Solar Plant SCADA
Solar Plant SCADA
To ensure high performance, low downtime of a solar PV power plant during its entire life cycle, it is essential to monitor and control all the key components and subsystems of solar PV generating plant i.e. inverter, strings, transformers, relays, MFM, switch gears, weather station, pyranometer, etc.
With rich SCADA implementation experience in various industries since 1995, Masibus has shown strong presence in renewable energy. Masibus solar SCADA solution provides flexible, scalable and comprehensive monitoring system which is accessible from a local plant as well as remote stations and this facilitates O&M team for remote operations and management of PV plants.
Also Masibus provides string monitoring boxes which measure upto 24 PV strings current, voltage, temperature, irradiance, etc. and breaker status monitoring which increase efficiency of solar plants.