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Building Management System

Building Management System

The growing awareness about environmental sustainability across industries and verticals has resulted in an increase in demand for energy efficiency across buildings and facilities. Moreover, energy demand is also on the rise in urban areas due to its rapid growth where building sectors are large consumers of energy. HVAC and lighting systems consume the most amount of energy, and thus it is essential to monitor the use of these systems, where Building Management System plays an important role to enable smart operation and efficient maintenance of the building and facilities. All of these lead to a major challenge in integrating all third party systems with central monitoring and control system. Masibus has vast experience at a national and international level in engineering, development and commissioning of central SCADA monitoring system for Building management, Data center, and infrastructure. Masibus offers flexible engineering and Service based on turnkey basis or per month or per day basis for service.

  • Single Service and Solution Partner
  • Quality and Timely Delivery of Solution & Service
  • Win-Win Business Model and focus on priority work
  • Increase Business Potential and Reduce cost.
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