Pyrometer for Gas Temperature Measurement of SRU
Pyrometer for Gas Temperature Measurement of Main Combustion Chamber of SRU

Customer Requirement
- IR pyrometer to be capable of continuous monitoring of high-temperature gas in main combustion chamber of Sulphur recovery unit in acid gas service in refinery
Systems and Tools
- Williamson SRU-3G sensor for gas temperature measurement
- All accessories like, flange mount, vortex tube, clean rod, remote display and stands to be supplied as standard
- Infrared technology avoids contact with corrosive gases
- Compact fiber-optic configuration eliminates bulk and active cooling
- Warm flange mounting reduces or eliminates sulfur deposition within the optical path
- Allows the process to be run efficiently at high temperatures
Project Scope
- Design, supply and supervision of installation and commissioning of non-contact temperature measurement system