Design Service- Feeder RTU
Design Service- Feeder RTU

Customer Details
- Substation automation division of leading multinational company in India
Project Requirement
- The project was to design a scalable multi-channel remote terminal unit for monitoring power distribution
- With its diverse technology knowledge, Rhombus has delivered complete solution by designing a modular system with a selection of modules as per end user’s need
Product Features
- 32-bit microcontroller based mini PCIe SoM used as CPU
- 100MBPS Ethernet, USB 2.0, RS 485 master ports
- Isolated Digital input/output modules
- Configurable analog input modules
- Mains AC or DC powered system option
- Wall-mounted 19” rack-based design
- Sub-station monitoring protocol (IEC 104, 101, 103) implementation
Role of Masibus
- Complete product mechanical, H/W, firmware, PC based S/W design
- Implement communication protocol
- Prototype verification and validation at internal and external laboratories
- Helped customer to setup manufacturing of pilot production