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Wireless Clock System FAQ

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Wireless Clock System FAQ

  1. No time code present
  2. Ground loops or other interference such as coupling from nearby AC power lines, bad/intermittent cables, wiring or connectors incorrect wiring connection for unbalanced or balanced input signals
  3. Out of range signal level that is too high or too low
  4. Fluctuating signal level
  5. A signal that is distorted
  6. A time code frame that your clock does not support
  7. In case of wireless input, distance between wireless master and slave is too far from master so slave cannot get the time code signal

For Incase of Serial Input:

  1. Verify that the GPS master‟s Baud rate, stop bit and parity bit are the same as in DDU-24/26
  2. Check all the input signals voltage level for DDU-24 synchronization. E.g. RS-232 – approx. 10.4 VDC, RS-485 – Varies between 0-5 V DC. Here these voltages are measured with a multimeter. This is not the exact voltage level of any signal but this gives a rough idea about signal presence on port
  3. The time code being fed to the DDU-24/26 must be recognized format. Verify that your time code source is providing one of the time code formats that the DDU-24/26 can decode & match its frame length as per standard

For Incase of Wireless Input:

  1. Check the RF Receive channel is the same as the wireless master‟s transmitting channel or DDU-24 in Auto mode
  2. If you are trying to sync DDU-24/26 with Wireless mater , then check they are not out of range , both unit must be in range of 100 meter area , and if you are trying to sync DDU-24/26 with DDU-24/26 , slave to slave communication , then it must be in range of 50 meter area
  1. For serial communication: NGTS & T format supports IST only and so there is no requirement of Time Zone offset, please enter 00:00 in Time Zone offset. In case of NMEA ($GPRMC) frame format and Wireless input they are supporting UTC time so , enter time zone offset as per your local time zone offset
  2. If the LED in DDU-24/26 blinks after the time zone configuration done in DDU-24/26, resetting the power of the DDU-24/26 is necessary for effective synchronization
  3. Your time code source is not providing the time and/or date that you expect. Contact the individual responsible for the Time Code source for more information
  • Invalid, intermittent or missing time code source
  • Date/year overwrite function for non‐date encoded time code may be configured improperly
  • Battery may need to be replaced
  • A Local Time Zone configuration not set correctly
  • Verify that your time code source is generating the UTC referenced time and date that you expect and that this time code format is at an acceptable signal level and quality that can be detected at the client side (i.e. DDU-24/26 input)
  • If you are using in‐house time code, verify that the time code source is locked to the GPS satellite system for UTC Time Code
  • If your Time Code source is providing DST adjustments, Please Note that DDU-24/26, does not support any kind of DST adjustments
  • If your Time Code source is providing Time Zone offsets these functions must be disabled in     your DDU-24/26 in order to eliminate double offsets

Unit has been show correct time (<1s delay) when received wireless frame then after it show delay (increment delay) time until the next frame.

  1. Check that unit receive frame from Multiple Master (more than one unit transmit frame on same transmit channel)
  2. If you are not using the unit as master then you select no option in Retransmission configuration
  1. Close the TELNET configuration window, if DDU-24/26 is under configuration over TELNETProtocol
  2. Use Cross CAT5 or equivalent cable for synchronization of DDU-24/26 with Master Clock / Desktop Computer
  3. Check the connectivity of DDU-24/26 in LAN using the ping command. (if Ethernet as input)
  4. For NTP + PoE model check connectivity between LAN and PoE injector and Display Unit and PoE injector.
  1. Make sure that Matching of Slave ID
  2. RF Receive Channel of Slave Clock is same as RF transmit Channel of Master GPS-MC-2
  3. When sending Configuration Frame then DP of Lower Digit of Minute or Slave Blinking or Not. If start Blinking Means the Slave ID does not match
  1. DDU-24 does not support YY.MM.DD format; it only displays DD.MM or MM.DD format
  2. You can see table 4 for more understanding which type of Error is displayed
  1. Check the power cable of the PoE injector is properly connected
  2. Check the CAT5 cable connected between the display unit and PoE injector is properly connected
  1. Verify that the NTP server(s) specified are reachable, communicating, and are not flagging their reported time as invalid
  2. Verify that a gateway/router/firewall has been configured that allows the clock to communicate outside of its local network
  3. Verify that the IP address configured for the clock is correct. If you manually enter an IP address that already exists on the network, this will create an IP address conflict
  4. Obtain a new IP address for the clock or resolve the duplication. Consult your IT/Network Administrator for a list/range of available IP addresses to avoid IP address conflicts
  5. Verify that the clock is connected to the Ethernet LAN
  6. Verify that all network cables, hubs, etc. are in proper working order. Be sure that Ethernet crossover “patch cables” are not being used where inappropriate
  1. Check Power input cable connected properly
  2. Check Power input cable connected to respective terminal as described in section 5.1
  3. Check Input power is available
  4. All points are ok, then please contact Masibus support department
  1. If the unit was kept in Power OFF conditions for the duration more than 15 days, as mentioned in section 7.3, the battery back of internal RTC will get discharged completely. As a result, at unit Power ON, time displayed on a 7-segment display and time provided in all time outputs will be according to default internal time till the unit gets LOCKED after the GPS antenna is connected to the unit
  2. If the battery is discharged as per mentioned above, it is necessary to keep the unit in Power ON condition for duration mentioned in section 7.3, for full charging of the internal battery. Full charging is necessary to avoid the possibility of wrong time output at unit Power ON

If GPS Master Clock Model MC-2 time on display, NGTS & T-format time output is not showing local time then check the set time zone offset , it depends on set time zone offset , please verify that the set time zone offset is as per your country/time zone region

RS-232/RS-485 cable used for serial communication with Serial port terminal should be as per section 5.1 and 5.2.Verify communication cable. Check the serial port settings in MC-2 using key configuration and set same parameters in slave devices to establish serial communication

  1. It is always recommended to use factory provided antenna cable shipped with the GPS Master Clock Model MC-2 unit. If the antenna used for installation is other than provided with a GPS Master Clock Model MC-2 unit, please contact Masibus Service department for assistance
  2. GPS Antenna must be installed properly as per suggested in section 4.1
  3. GPS Antenna cable must be connected at the antenna connection on the Top side connector of the GPS Master Clock Model MC-2 device
  4. If GPS Master Clock Model MC-2 device is able to capture very less number of satellites even if the weather and sky is clear, try to re-orient the GPS antenna or relocate the GPS antenna so that maximum number of GPS satellites invisible

MC-2 unit is transmitting the UTC Time, so set in slave clock local time zone for local time

  1. Set RF transmit channel between 0-8 and same channel in receive channel in slave device
  2. Master clock and slave device must be in range of master’s range of 100 meters with obstacles and 600 meter in line of site
  3. Check if both device RF antennas are correctly fitted with a unit
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