Posted on / by Masibus Admin / in Disturbance Fault Recording, Electrical Condition Monitoring, OEM

500MW Generator Fault Analysis

500MW Generator Fault Analysis

Customer Requirement

  • Disturbance fault recording system for 500MW generator fault analysis
  • When any generator is tripped, to find the cause and to fill RCA report i.e. Root cause analysis report
  • Need information – At what time fault occurred, status of digital channels, status of analog channels, condition of generator etc.
  • Monitoring of system protection performance
  • Recording of system events
  • The vital evidence that tells what happened during the fault is found in the pre-trigger, event duration, and post fault information of the captured record.

Systems and Tools

  • Disturbance fault recording system
  • Configuration & fault analysis software
  • Communication cables & related accessories

Project Scope

  • Supply of disturbance recorder with configuration software and communication cables
  • Customer FAT and commissioning of supplied system
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